** Applications for our next round of funding are now closed. Please check back to this page in November for information on future rounds of funding**

UMUKSF is a music education charity and we accept applications for funding of up to £1500 towards the cost of musical instruments/equipment.

Please ensure you read this page in full and meet the criteria to apply for funding before completing an application form. If you are unsure if you are eligible to apply please email umuksoundfoundation@umusic.com


  • Applicants must be a EU/ EEA (European Economic Area) national, British, or overseas applicant ordinarily/habitually resident in the UK.
  • Also, all individuals applying for funding must be in full time education at the time of the trustees meeting where funding will be decided (which take place in March and October) and either be:
        • in school (year 11 and below) and having regular music lessons


        • enrolled on a certified music course, studying full time at college/university/conservatoire (year 12 and beyond)

All applications must also be supported by a reference from your current music teacher. Further details are in the ‘How to Apply’ section below.

Please note, if you are in further education you will be required to provide a letter from your educational organisation confirming your enrollment and course before a donation can be claimed. If you do not meet the above criteria then your application will be invalid.

We do not fund the following:

  • Music lessons, tuition fees or maintenance costs (i.e travel, accommodation fees).
  • Students that are post GCSE education (aged 17 and over) and who have private music lesson but are not enrolled and studying on a certified full time music course.
  • Individuals who are present in the UK temporarily or only for the purpose of education or attending a course of study i.e if you are enrolled as an international student with your college/university.

Please Note

  • We do not fund items retrospectively and you are not eligible for funding if you have already purchased your item, or if you buy it after you submit your application but before funding has been offered. This includes entering into a loan agreement.
  • If you receive funds from another source after submitting your application to UMUKSF please inform us as soon as possible.
  • Any funding offered by the trustees cannot be used as a deposit on an item, it may only be used to cover the whole cost or as a final instalment. Should you be awarded funding you will have a limited time in which to claim it (claiming deadlines are confirmed when we make a funding offer), so please keep this in mind when deciding if it is the right time for you to apply.
  • We are only able to pay suppliers with a UK bank account.

Returning Applicants

  • If you have applied for funding in the past, please wait for 2 funding rounds (which take place in March and October) to pass before re-applying. If you are unsure of when you are next eligible to apply, please email umuksoundfoundation@umusic.com before completing an application form.
  • Due to the high demand for funding, regrettably we can only offer grants to individuals a maximum of three times.

How to Apply

  • Step 1 – prepare your information
    • Click HERE and read our ‘Individual Application Instructions’ as it provides an overview of all the information you will need to complete the application.
    • We advise collating the information stated in this document before you begin an application as you will not be able to save and return to it once you have started.
  • Step 2 – complete and submit your application
    • On the right of this page there are links to our application forms. There is one for applicants aged 15 & under and another for those aged 16 & over.
    • When you are ready to complete your application click the link for the one relating to your age on the day you are applying and answer all the questions.
    • You will receive automated on screen confirmation your application has been submitted.
    • Once submitted, the application is final and cannot be amended. If you wish to provide additional information you will need to submit a completely new application.
  • Step 3 – music teacher reference
    • Each application must be supported by a reference from your current, independent (not related to the applicant) music teacher.
    • We can only accept references which are completed on our reference form. Your referee can download it by clicking the link on the right of this page (under the link to the application forms).
    • If your music teacher submits a reference in a different format/not on our reference form, I’m afraid we will not be able to process it and your application will be incomplete and will not be considered.
    • The referee must email the reference to us at the address on the form. We can’t process references submitted by applicants.
    • You will need to provide their contact details as part of your application.
    • It is your responsibility to ensure the referee submits their reference form by the submission deadline. If it is not received by us, your application will be deemed incomplete and cannot be processed
    • Once we receive your music teacher reference, we will email you to confirm your application is complete.

Application Deadline

  • The deadline for you and your referee to submit the application and reference will be updated here once the next round of funding is open.
  • IMPORTANT – you must submit your application by the deadline as the form will automatically close at exactly this time, even if you have started but not submitted your application and any information you have partly completed will be lost. If this happens, we cannot retrieve the information and you will need to wait for our next round of funding to open before you can apply for funding.
  • Once your application is submitted there is an option to download or print a copy – please select this option so you can keep a copy for your records as you will need to refer to it should you be offered a donation

Trustees Decision

  • Trustees review applications and offers are made twice a year; March and October.
  • You will receive details on exactly when you will be contacted with the outcome of your bid in the acknowledgement email you will receive when your application is complete.
  • You will be informed of the Trustees decision by email.

If you have any queries please email umuksoundfoundation@umusic.com before you submit an application.